In the dark night of a distant future, the shattered remains of Earth drift through the cold void of space. The shadows of the past have been driven away, and the dark clouds at the horizon appear to be man-made. After the Great Netherwar, which resulted in the destruction of Earth, mankind is restless, scattered across the void, bereft of its cradle.

The Sol system became the last safe hideout for outcasts both mystic and mundane. Known as Vagrants, they are rebels to the oppressive might of the Consortium—the government ruling over what’s left of Earth and its colonies. True freedom can only be found among the stars, the voices of the galactic underground say.

To them, the war isn’t over.

It has only just begun.

Ride hybrid ships through astral space connecting planets and galaxies, wield awesome mystic powers, nethertech relics, and cutting-edge technology! Take on the role of a restless wanderer—someone living on the fringes of galactic society, scraping by in a war-torn system or even stealing other people’s stuff. Whether a misfit, scoundrel, mercenary, pirate, idealist, explorer, or just someone who walked away from his home in search of adventure: you are part of the galactic underground. Fight the nightmares that invaded the universe, start a revolution against the fascistic and corrupted Consortium government and explore space beyond the Veil…

equinox is a future fantasy setting of stunning action, frightening intrigue, and mystical powers, set in a war-ravaged dark future.

Available Titles


Preview: Equinox Setting Guide

Preview: Equinox Match System Guide

Setting Worksheet

Rules Summary (Match System)

Quickstart Characters

Character Sheet (Match System)

Vehicle Sheet (Match System)

Adversary Sheet (Match System)

Group Sheet (Match System)

Optional Rules (Storygame Guide)

Character Sheet (Storygame Guide)

Vehicle Sheet (Storygame Guide)

Adversary Sheet (Storygame Guide)

Group Sheet (Storygame Guide)